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Ruby Page 11
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Page 11
‘Soz,’ he said.
‘No worries,’ said Ruby, smiling. ‘I’ve grown used to your obsession with that thing by now.’
Tyler’s face became more animated as he said. ‘You’ll never guess what?’ Then, after a dramatic pause, he added, ‘I’ve got a place at Manchester Uni.’
‘You’re joking!’ said Ruby.
‘No, straight up. Two of my mates are going there too. I can’t wait.’
‘Aw, that’s brilliant!’ said Ruby, throwing her arms round him. ‘I’m so pleased for you. You’ve done really well, little bruv.’
‘Less of the little,’ laughed Tyler, standing up as if to demonstrate his height then stepping towards his mother who had just come in through the door, and taking one of the drinks from her.
‘Hasn’t he done well?’ asked Daisy.
‘He has,’ said Ruby, and as she looked at her mother, she noticed a look of pure pride on her face.
‘Aye, I’d be the first to say it, but me kids have all done well for themselves. You and your other two brothers have all got your own homes and good jobs and now our Tyler’s going to university.’
The way her mother slowly emphasised the word university gave Ruby a warm glow, and she went over to her and put her arms around her.
‘You’ve done well, Mam. I’m really pleased for both of you,’ said Ruby.
Seeing her mother like that made her realise just how well her mother had coped considering the circumstances she’d had to endure. She was happy for her but, at the same time, she regretted the harsh opinion she had formed of her when she had been a rebellious teenager. Her mother wasn’t feeble at all. She was a strong woman who had kept a good home and held down two jobs to provide for her children. And she’d done it all by herself.
Ruby also felt a little guilty because her mother didn’t know the truth about what she really did. And Ruby was even more determined that she would never find out. After the life she’d had, her mother deserved her bit of happiness and Ruby decided there was no way she was going to spoil it for her.
June 2007
It was another three days before they got chance to view the property Victor had found, which was a large flat above a discount shop, two miles from the city centre in Rusholme. Ruby had rung the estate agents to arrange a viewing and had taken the first available appointment when she, Tiffany and the estate agent were all free.
It was early evening when Ruby headed towards Rusholme in her gleaming BMW feeling a rush of excitement. Ever since she’d told Tiffany about her plans the idea had come to life in her imagination and as she got closer to the viewing appointment, she could feel her heart fluttering as the thoughts whirled around inside her head. Now, as she rushed through the city traffic, she shared some of her ideas with Tiffany.
‘I’ll take the biggest room. I’ll need it to fit all my equipment in. It’ll be nice to have a proper dungeon. We can even have a sign put on the door, saying, Ruby’s Dungeon. I’m gonna kit the place out really nice as well.’
‘Whoa!’ said Tiffany. ‘You’re getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you? We haven’t even seen the place yet.’
Ruby just smiled enigmatically, but she decided to keep quiet for the rest of the journey, despite her excitement. She’d give Tiffany chance to see the place first before she ran her through the rest of her plans. She was driving along Platt Lane, former home of the Manchester City football ground, when her phone rang.
‘Shit,’ she said, knowing it would be impossible to answer it while she was driving, especially as it was inside her handbag, tucked away inside the foot well of the back seat.
‘Want me to answer it?’ asked Tiffany.
‘Nah,’ she said. ‘It’ll probably be a client. I’ll ring them back later.’
They soon arrived at Wilmslow Road, and parked in a back street behind the stretch of road known as the curry mile because of the abundance of Asian restaurants. It was a vibrant hub of activity featuring not only restaurants but a variety of shops.
Ruby had always liked this stretch; it was so colourful and animated. And as for the aromas that came from the restaurants, Ruby found herself salivating as soon as she parked the car and got out.
In the early evening the neon lights of the restaurants and shops added to the area’s visual appeal, highlighting the brightly-coloured saris, sparkling gold jewellery and tantalising sweets and pastries, which had all been expertly arranged in the shop windows. People chatted enthusiastically as they headed for the popular restaurants, admired the shop displays and bought their fresh produce.
Ignoring her sudden desire for food, Ruby said to Tiffany, ‘It’s somewhere on the main road, the shop’s called P & M Discounts.’
She was striding so fast in her eagerness to get there that her girlfriend found it difficult to keep up with her. It didn’t take long to find P & M Discounts, and Ruby was pleased that it was the largest shop on the main road. Perhaps the upstairs flat would be large too. She also liked the location. It was the sort of place where people came and went a lot so maybe their activities wouldn’t be as noticeable as they would in a more residential area.
As with many flats above shops it was accessed via a door to one side. Ruby pressed the doorbell and waited for a good while. When nobody came to answer the bell after a few seconds she rang it again.
‘Perhaps the estate agent hasn’t arrived yet,’ she said.
‘Yeah, maybe. It’s a couple of minutes to the appointment so he might be here any minute.’
Ruby shrugged and pulled a face. ‘Maybe you’re right, Tiff. We’ll give him a bit longer.’
Ruby and Tiffany waited outside but when there was still no sign of the agent after ten minutes Ruby’s enthusiasm started to wane and she kept looking impatiently at her designer watch.
‘Why don’t we go into the shop and get a few bits while we’re waiting?’ suggested Tiffany.
Ruby was worried about missing the agent while they were inside the shop but she was getting fed up of waiting so she agreed to Tiffany’s suggestion. As they walked around the shop Ruby kept looking out of the window to see if anyone resembling an estate agent approached the flat, but she didn’t notice anyone.
The person on the checkout had seen them outside and he commented as they were paying for their goods. ‘There’s nobody upstairs yet. It’s only just been sold.’
‘Sold?’ asked Ruby, alarmed. ‘It’s for sale, don’t you mean?’
‘No, it’s sold. My cousin’s just put an offer in and had it accepted.’
‘You’re fuckin’ joking!’ said Ruby, forgetting her manners because she was so annoyed with the agent. She turned to Tiffany, ‘You sort this lot out while I go outside to phone the estate agent and see what the fuck they’re playing at!’
The checkout assistant flashed a nervous look at Tiffany but Ruby ignored it. She was too concerned about having a word with the estate agent.
Once Ruby was outside she pulled her phone from her handbag, noticing as she did so that the agent had tried to call her. But that was only half an hour ago. That would have been the call she received when she was on the way. What the hell was the estate agent doing leaving it so late to let her know that the flat had already been sold?
As soon as the receptionist answered the phone, Ruby gave her name and demanded to speak to the agent who should have been meeting them, a Mr Browning. ‘What the hell do you think you’re playing at, sending me to view a flat that’s already been sold?’ she blasted down the phone.
‘I’m terribly sorry, Miss Henry. I did ring to let you know but I wasn’t able to get hold of you.’
‘Yes, half a bloody hour ago! What use is that? We were already on the way here by then.’
‘I do apologise. We only agreed the sale earlier today and I’ve been tied up all day so it was the first chance I had to call you.’
‘A likely story. More like you couldn’t be arsed.’
‘Miss Henry, I’m sorry but I�
�m afraid we don’t tolerate that kind of language from our customers.’
‘Tough. Try this for language, you’re a fuckin’ arsehole!’ Ruby could hear a gasp on the other end of the phone and she guessed the estate agent was about to cut the call so she quickly shouted. ‘Stick your fuckin’ properties where the sun don’t shine you useless little shit!’
As she stood staring at the phone in her hand, livid, Tiffany stepped tentatively towards her.
‘Erm, I’m guessing it was bad news.’
For the next few seconds Ruby explained the situation to Tiffany, cursing the estate agent and adding a few choice expletives.
Tiffany tried to cajole her. ‘Don’t worry, Ruby, we’ll find something else.’
‘I doubt it. Properties that can be used as a whorehouse are fuckin’ hard to come by.’ Then she noticed the hurt expression on Tiffany’s face and regretted being so sharp with her. ‘Come on, let’s get back home,’ she said, ‘then we’ll have to have a think about where we go from here.’
Ruby and Tiffany had only just arrived home and were standing outside the door to their flat while Ruby found the key in her handbag. She was just about to put it into the lock when they heard someone thundering up the stairs. It was the landlord, Mr Walker, and Ruby could see even from a few feet away that he wasn’t very happy. As she and Tiffany waited to see what he wanted, she noticed the envelope he was carrying.
‘There,’ he said, handing the envelope to Ruby.
Curious, Ruby stared at it then slid her forefinger under the seal to prise it open.
‘I’ll save you the trouble,’ growled the landlord. ‘It’s your notice to vacate. I want you out within a month.’
Ruby looked up at him, her expression fierce. ‘What?’ she demanded.
‘You heard. I’ve had more complaints from the other residents.’
‘But it’s rubbish!’ Ruby complained. ‘It’s her over the way stirring it up with everyone. She’s just making trouble for us cos she’s a miserable old cow who doesn’t like anyone having friends.’
‘Oh no it isn’t!’ the landlord snarled, rounding on Ruby till his face was only centimetres from hers. ‘I’ve been keeping my eye on you two. I’ve seen the number of men that come and go, and you can’t tell me they’re all just friends. I know exactly what you two are bloody well up to, so don’t try telling me any different.’
‘We’re not up to anything!’ said Ruby, ‘And you can’t prove we are either.’
‘I don’t need to prove anything. I know what’s going on here, I’m not bloody stupid and if I want you out then I’ll bloody well have you out!’
He turned and stormed off down the stairs with Ruby shouting after him. ‘You won’t get away with this. We haven’t done anything wrong!’ But she knew her words were wasted. Then she turned to Tiffany, her shoulders slumped as she asked, ‘What the fuck do we do now?’
December 1996
For several months Trina continued to enjoy her status as Zac’s girlfriend. As the summer faded, the nights became cooler and the prospect of having sex in the park became increasingly unappealing. After Trina had complained yet again about having to spend time in the park where it was cold and dark, Zac arranged for them to go to his house.
It was only the second time she had been there as it was difficult for Zac to find a time when the rest of his family were out. Trina knew he wasn’t interested in introducing her to his parents. There was only one thing Zac was interested in with Trina, but that suited her because it meant they stayed together.
They couldn’t go to her house either, not for what Zac had in mind. As Trina had three brothers as well as her mother, there was nearly always somebody at home. And the idea of introducing Zac to her mother was out of the question. Daisy was a God-fearing Christian woman who would be horrified at the thought of her daughter having a boyfriend when she was still so young.
This particular night, although the rest of Zac’s family were out, his younger brother was in. Even after Trina had been there a while, his younger brother continued to hang around and Trina could tell that Zac was becoming increasingly irritated with him.
‘Why don’t you just fuck off out, Matt?’ Zac said to him.
‘Because it’s too cold,’ said Matt, ‘and, anyway, why should I, just so you can shag her?’
Matt looked scornfully at Trina before leaving the room. Zac got up and dashed after his brother to have a word with him. As Trina sat on the sofa patiently waiting for Zac to come back, she strained to overhear what was being said, but couldn’t hear anything apart from a lot of whispering. Then Zac returned, alone.
‘Come on, we’re going upstairs to my bedroom,’ he said.
‘But… don’t you share it with Matt?’
Zac grinned. ‘Don’t worry, he isn’t there. He’s in the kitchen.’
Trina followed him upstairs and as soon as they were inside his bedroom, they sat down on his bed where Zac immediately began kissing Trina passionately and putting his hands inside her clothes. She couldn’t settle, on edge in case Zac’s brother should walk in or, worse still, his parents might return. She pulled away, and Zac looked at her quizzically.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.
‘What if he comes in or if your mam and dad come home early?’ she asked.
‘He won’t. Don’t worry, I’ve fixed him,’ said Zac, smiling enigmatically. ‘And my mam and dad never come home before the pubs shut. So, are we going to do this, or what? Anyone would think you didn’t fancy me anymore.’
Trina hesitated for a moment, glancing around her and trying to think of another excuse. She really didn’t feel comfortable having sex with Zac’s brother downstairs. It had been different in the park; they always made sure they were well out of view of other people and it was usually dark, so someone passing by wouldn’t be able to see them properly anyway. Besides, most of the people in the park at that time were doing the same so it somehow made it acceptable.
As she glanced around, Zac followed her eyes then got up and walked over to a chest of drawers. He picked up a box and handed it to her. ‘Here, I forgot to give you this for your birthday.’
Her birthday had been a week prior and she’d dropped various hints about it, eventually giving up and presuming he hadn’t bothered. But now she felt pleased as she looked at the box in her hands. It was slightly battered but that didn’t matter. She could see from the name on the box that it was perfume and she pulled it open and grasped at the fancy bottle inside, spraying it on herself and smiling as she held her wrist up for Zac to sniff.
‘Thanks, it’s lovely,’ she said.
‘That’s alright,’ said Zac, sitting back down next to her on the bed.
He didn’t waste time in getting back down to business. Trina was about to protest again but then she thought about the lovely present he’d bought her and felt bad about pushing him away. He must have thought a lot of her to buy such an expensive-looking bottle of perfume. And, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t had sex before, so, although Trina still didn’t feel comfortable, she went along with his wishes. It didn’t last long, Zac plunging straight into her while they were still half-dressed. He had almost finished when there was a knock on the bedroom door.
‘Shit!’ said Trina, pushing him away and scrambling for her underwear and jeans.
‘What?’ yelled Zac.
‘Time’s up,’ came Matt’s voice from the other side of the door. ‘You said fifteen minutes.’
‘For fuck’s sake! Wait a minute,’ said Zac, pulling his trousers up then pulling the bedroom door open. ‘Why couldn’t you fuckin’ wait till I got downstairs?’
‘Because I want my money now,’ said Matt, holding out his hand.
Trina stared at Zac and Matt, feeling shocked and demeaned when she realised that Zac had bribed his brother to stay out of the room. Not only that, but Matt had been timing them, which was why Zac wanted to get it over and done with as soon as possible
. Suddenly the whole situation felt degrading.
‘You bastard!’ she yelled, getting up from the bed. She stopped at the bedroom door and glared at Zac. She was consumed by anger and wanted to tell him exactly what she thought. But when she caught sight of his brother grinning at her, words failed her. Instead she spat at Zac, not stopping to witness his anger when it hit him in the face. Then she stormed out of the house.
Despite Trina’s wounded pride at what Zac had done, she didn’t want to see the end of the relationship. She enjoyed being seen as part of his crowd and he was good fun to be with most of the time. But there was no way she was going to make up with him without getting an apology first.
What irked her even more was that she’d been in such a rush to get out of his house that she’d left her precious bottle of perfume behind. She’d been so chuffed to receive such a fancy bottle of perfume and couldn’t wait to impress her friends. But if she and Zac didn’t make up, she could say goodbye to the present as well as him.
For days she sought him out at school, hoping he’d come over and apologise. Then she’d play hard to get for a while before accepting his apology and agreeing to see him again. But she didn’t see him for three days. On the fourth day, she was walking along the corridor when Nicole spotted him.
‘Don’t look now but Zac’s on his way towards us,’ said Nicole.
Trina couldn’t help but take a look. She saw him in the distance and decided she would make eye contact briefly as he drew nearer then play it cool. He was a few metres away when their eyes met and she quickly looked away. For a few seconds she could feel herself stiffen on seeing some of his friends in her peripheral vision as they passed by, Alex stopping to pat Nicole on the shoulder and whisper something.
Trina knew Zac was with him and she could feel her skin prickle as she became aware of his close proximity, expecting him to speak to her at any moment. But he didn’t. And Nicole turned to her, affronted on her friend’s behalf.